
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Worship Recap 11.13.11... "To Love All and Serve All"

We continued with our Formed and Re-formed series this morning focusing on loving all and serving all in Jesus name. Being drawn from our Statement of Faith, this continues to be an inspiring series for me. As I write each week, I've gotten a chance to really spend some quality time meditating on each of the points that make up our statement.

Our team took an attendance hit this week, even early this morning we were still experiencing changes. Rehearsal went well but we weren't on top of our game today. Thankfully, by the response afterwards, it was clear that it didn't affect the congregation.

Music Plan
We Are The Body of Christ [Mann]
Prayer of Focus
Love The Lord [Brewster]
I Will Follow [Tomlin]
Statement of Faith
We're Living The Mystery [Mann]
To Love And Serve All [Mann]

Sunday Setlists at
Pray on,


  1. Hey Eddy, Sounds good! Glad it all came together. Isn't it neat to see how God uses our weaknesses for His glory!

  2. Good to hear from you Barry, I pray all is well with your ministry.

    Nothing surprises me... and nothing strikes fear. God always provides. [Psalm 46:1]

  3. Eddy,

    What a great idea to do a series around your statement of faith. Doing theology within the context of worship is brilliant!

    Stay connected,


  4. Terry, it's been an exciting and relevant series which has inspired some wonderful new music.
